1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950 |
- extends Spatial
- var Chunk = preload("res://chunk.tscn")
- onready var Player = $"../Player"
- var resolution = 512
- var radius = 1737.4
- var renderDistance = 1
- var chunkIndex = {}
- # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
- func _ready():
- pass # Replace with function body.
- # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
- func _process(delta):
- var playerSpos = Player.getSpos()
- var playerRoundSpos = playerSpos.round()
- var playerChunkPos = Vector2(int(playerRoundSpos.x), int(playerRoundSpos.y))
- var playerInterChunkPos = Vector2(playerSpos.x - playerChunkPos.x, playerSpos.y - playerChunkPos.y)
- for i in [Vector2(1,0),Vector2(1,1),Vector2(0,1),Vector2(-1,0),Vector2(0,-1),Vector2(-1,-1),Vector2(1,-1),Vector2(-1,1)]:
- var dist = Vector2(playerSpos.x, playerSpos.y).distance_to(playerChunkPos+i+Vector2(0.5,0.5))
- if dist < renderDistance:
- add_chunk(playerChunkPos+i)
- func add_chunk(chunkPos = Vector2()):
- var lat = int(chunkPos.x)
- var lon = int(chunkPos.y)
- if chunkIndex.has(lon) and chunkIndex[lon].has(lat):
- return
- var chunk = Chunk.instance()
- chunk.setParams(lat,lat+1,lon,lon+1,resolution,radius)
- #moontile.scale=Vector3(1000,1000,1000)
- .add_child(chunk)
- if not chunkIndex.has(lon):
- chunkIndex[lon]={}
- chunkIndex[lon][lat] = chunk
- func remove_chunk(chunkPos = Vector2()):
- var lat = int(chunkPos.x)
- var lon = int(chunkPos.y)
- if chunkIndex.has(lon) and chunkIndex[lon].has(lat):
- chunkIndex[lon][lat].queue_free()
- chunkIndex[lon].delete(lat)